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KaRINA Fashion - Made With Hingest Quality Product and Limited Edition

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KaRINA Fashion merupakan brand lokal Indonesia yang khusus memproduksi Bawahan Wanita/Rok dan Hijab Muslimah. Dengan visi menjadikan pakaian syari mudah dijangkau dan tampil modis namun tetap sesuai dengan panduan agama.

Untuk semua produk, KaRINA Fashion memproduksi sendiri secara keseluruhan produknya, sehingga Kami dapat memastikan kualitasnya tetap terjaga. KaRINA Fashion menciptakan desain bawahan wanita/rok yang simpel, elegan, dengan kualitas jahitan & bahan terbaik namun tetap dengan harga yang terjangkau.

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KaRINA Fashion percaya bahwa penampilan yang baik akan menghantarkan perasaan baik yang mampu menggerakkan kita untuk berkomitmen dan berkontribusi dalam melakukan hal-hal positif.

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New ArrivalsProduk Terbaru

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta. Integer leo diam, pretium auctor tellus a, semper laoreet urna. In vestibulum ante quis laoreet volutpat.

Paling Laris
Bawahan Rok Wolfis LEBAR Polos Panjang BEST SELLER Skirt

Bahan wolfis telah lama populer terutama dalam pembuatan gamis atau baju muslimah. Bahan ini dibuat dari campuran bahan katun, bahan sutra, serta tambahan bahan sintetis. Bahan ini banyak digunakan oleh para produsen gamis, karena bahan ini memang memiliki keistimewaan tersendiri yang mampu membuat siapa saja pemakainya merasa nyaman. Selain digunakan sebagai bahan untuk gamis, bahan… selengkapnya

*Harga Mulai
Rp 86.500
Tersedia / WOLFIS
Mr.Stream Men’s Outdoor Casual Vintage Long Sleeve

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

*Harga Mulai
Rp 729.600
Tersedia / SHIRT02
Legendary Whitetails Men’s Archer Shirt Jacket

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

*Harga Mulai
Rp 599.900
Tersedia / SHIRT01
CQR Men’s Cotton Flannel Shirt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

Rp 329.800
Tersedia / SHIRT04
Legendary Whitetails Men’s Journeyman Flannel Lined

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

Rp 769.900 Rp 875.120
Tersedia / JACKET4
CQR Men’s Cotton Flannel Shirt Long Sleeve

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

Rp 299.800 Rp 325.000
Tersedia / SHIRT05
Wrangler Authentics Men’s Long Sleeve Quilted Lined

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

*Harga Mulai
Rp 269.900
Tersedia / JACKET2
Legendary Whitetails mens Ranger Quilted Fleece Shirt Jacket

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

Rp 699.900
Tersedia / SHIRT06
Eddie Bauer Men’s CirrusLite Down Hooded Jacket

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

*Harga Mulai
Rp 599.900
Tersedia / JACKET1
CQR Men’s All Cotton Flannel Shirt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consectetur purus sed risus molestie porta this cami dress is the surplice style edgy with the tied waist and the layered, ruffled bottom for a tiered touch, which is ended with the back zipper closure. It is the adorable A-line style that you will love at… selengkapnya

Rp 299.800
Tersedia / SHIRT03
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KaRINA Fashion - Made With Hingest Quality Product and Limited Edition

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